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SLC short study "EURO Barometer" at a new high: Insights on the anticipation of the UEFA EURO 2024

  • Anticipation for the home EURO has risen steadily since October
  • The home EURO as an opportunity to meet up with friends
  • Semi-final: Around a third of fans trust the DFB team to make it

UEFA EURO 2024 begins in 30 days, an event that soccer fans throughout Germany and Europe are eagerly awaiting. Despite mixed expectations regarding the sporting performance of the German national team, the current "EURO Barometer", the latest study by SLC Management, shows that the general mood and anticipation for the tournament are remarkably high


"Year of the Referees" - SLC Management provides groundbreaking data to the DFB through the amateur soccer barometer

The world's largest sports association (7 million members) - the German Football Association DFB - has now officially made 2023 the "Year of the Referee". SLC Management provided the DFB with groundbreaking data and interesting basics on this topic through the referee survey as part of the amateur soccer barometer.


The clubs in energy crisis - SLC provides important insights through the Amateurfußball-Baromter for DFB

The energy crisis affects not only the economy and all private households. The need to save energy also applies to clubs, which play a key role in our society. In order to cope with the additional burden, Germany's amateur clubs would like to see support from politicians, but they also see themselves as having a responsibility to save energy. The results of the latest survey in the Amateur Football Barometer by SLC Management for the German Football Association show further relevant aspects for politics, society and the club sector.


SLC data on DFB's "Die Mannschaft" brand claim makes big media waves

Since the claim was introduced in 2015, SLC Management has been investigating its acceptance with representative surveys of around 5,300 supporters and customers of the German Soccer League. The publication of the progress study with comments by Prof. Dr. Alfons Madeja in the "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung" newspaper is making big waves in the media throughout Germany. Madeja concludes from the representative surveys that "Die Mannschaft" must be regarded as a "failure" according to objective criteria.


What the basis expects from the #DFB! - Survey results for the DFB national conference from the amateur soccer barometer

On the occasion of the upcoming "DFB-Bundestag" (DFB national conference) and the new elections of the future DFB leadership on March 11, SLC investigated developments and potentials in amateur soccer as well as expectations and main tasks for the future DFB leadership for the German Football Association. In addition to the expectations for the associations, the survey focused on the challenges and opportunities for the clubs in the future as well as their current situation after two years of pandemic. Around 8,000 people from amateur soccer took part in the three-part survey and formulated their demands on the world's largest sports association (more than 7 million members).


SLC provides important sentiment for UEFA EURO in Munich on opening stadiums to fans

SLC Management GmbH stands for data and fact-based consulting in the sports environment. With the latest project, SLC was able to make a decisive contribution to ensuring that spectators will be in the stadium for the EURO 2020 matches played in Munich, thanks to the excellent cooperation with the Bavarian Football Association.


Image survey of the national team by SLC Management receives media attention

For more than 10 years SLC Management has been investigating fan opinions regarding the German national team on various topics from a sporting and economic point of view. The most recent survey focuses on the image of the national team and the identification of the fans with it. The reason for the latest survey was the recently less satisfactory performances and results as well as the media criticism around the national team.


Image study of the national team by SLC Management enjoys media attention

For more than 10 years, SLC Management has been investigating fan opinions regarding the German national team on various topics from a sporting and business perspective. The most recent survey focuses on the image of the national team and the fans' identification with it. The survey was prompted by the recent less than satisfactory performances and results, as well as the media criticism surrounding the actions and appearance of the DFB's responsible protagonists.


Frauenfußball-WM 2019: SLC-Studie zum Frauenfußball

Am 07.06.19 startet in Frankreich die Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft der Frauen.
Kann Deutschland unter Trainerin Martina Voss-Tecklenburg nach 2003 und 2007 den nächsten Weltmeistertitel einfahren?

Auch wenn Deutschland immer noch von der Bundesliga der Männer dominiert wird, wächst sowohl das Interesse, als auch die Bedeutung des Frauenfußballs immer weiter.

Als Spezialist für Markt-/Meinungsforschung und fact-based Consultancy im Sport hat die SLC Management diese Weltmeisterschaft zum Anlass genommen, sich in der vorliegenden aktuellen Untersuchung mit dieser Thematik eingehender zu beschäftigen.


WM-Qualifikation: Studie "Blickpunkt Nationalmannschaft"

Deutschland gewinnt in den Qualifikationsspielen, aber „verliert“ durch Zuschauer-Verfehlungen in Prag

„Die Mannschaft“ ist seit Jahren als Aushängeschild Deutschlands in Europa und der Welt anzusehen. Dazu haben insbesondere die Weltmeisterschaften 2006 und 2014 beigetragen. Während bei der WM 2006 im eigenen Land gemäß dem offiziellen Motto des Turniers „Die Welt zu Gast bei Freunden“ Land und Leute die Besucher mit Gastfreundschaft und positiver, ausgelassener Stimmung begeistern konnten, beeindruckte Deutschland 2014 beim Titelgewinn in Brasilien mit einer attraktiven Spielweise und einer sympathischen sowie offenherzigen Mannschaft.


Versöhnung: Deutsche Fans und der Confed Cup

Bereits im Vorfeld des FIFA Confederations Cups hatte die SLC Management die deutschen Fußballfans u.a. zu ihrem Interesse am Turnier befragt. Der Tenor der Fans damals: Der Confed Cup sei eher uninteressant und habe sich überholt (Mehr Infos hierzu:

Nach dem Ende des Wettbewerbs und dem Sieg der deutschen Fußballnationalmannschaft haben die Fans ihr persönliches Fazit gezogen und zeigen sich versöhnlich.


Problemkind: Confed Cup - Der Fußballfan sieht das kritisch

"Der Confed Cup in Russland stößt bei den Fußball-Fans in Deutschland auf Ablehnung. In einer Umfrage der SLC Management GmbH sprachen sich lediglich 21,9 Prozent der Befragten dafür aus, den Confed Cup als WM-Vorbereitungsturnier beizubehalten. 82,2 Prozent sind zudem der Meinung, dass sich der Confed Cup überholt habe."


Adidas, Nike und der DFB: Die Ausrüster-Frage.

Die SLC Management hat sich schon vor Bekanntwerden des Verhandlungsergebnisses intensiv mit der Thematik des Ausrüsters der Deutschen Fußball Nationalmannschaft beschäftigt. Heute wie damals gilt: Wenn es um "die Mannschaft" geht, gelten andere Regeln...


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