Informazioni attuali sull'azienda nella panoramica.
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SLC short study "EURO Barometer" at a new high: Insights on the anticipation of the UEFA EURO 2024
- Anticipation for the home EURO has risen steadily since October
- The home EURO as an opportunity to meet up with friends
- Semi-final: Around a third of fans trust the DFB team to make it
UEFA EURO 2024 begins in 30 days, an event that soccer fans throughout Germany and Europe are eagerly awaiting. Despite mixed expectations regarding the sporting performance of the German national team, the current "EURO Barometer", the latest study by SLC Management, shows that the general mood and anticipation for the tournament are remarkably high
Mehr...Erfolgreicher Start in die neue DTM-Saison 2016
Auch in der neuen DTM-Saison ist unser Marktforschungsteam rund um Prof. Dr. Madeja wieder im Auftrag der DTM/ITR unterwegs, um Motorsportfans an allen deutschen DTM-Rennstrecken zu deren Meinungen und Einschätzungen rund um das Event "DTM "zu befragen.