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SLC Management once again presenting partner of the Sportplatzwelt LIVE Congress
SLC Management will continue to support Sportplatzwelt as a presenting partner of Sportplatzwelt LIVE in the coming year. "As the topic of amateur sports is not only our daily work, but also a matter close to our hearts and we want to promote the exchange between clubs in the best possible way, it was clear to us from the outset that we would definitely want to support such a live event again as the perfect complement to the online format, especially after our positive experience last year," says Maximilian Madeja (Managing Director of SLC Management).
Mehr...SPORTPLATZWELT LIVE CONGRESS presented by SLC Management // Round-Up to the SLC presentation "Are you still stagnating - or are you already monetizing?"
On the 23rd of May 2023, the first edition of Sportplatzwelt LIVE Congress presented by SLC Management took place at the RheinEnergieStadion in Cologne.
As presenting partner, SLC Management took over the opening lecture of the amateur sports congress with the title "Are you still stagnating - or are you already monetizing?"
Mehr...Sportplatzwelt Online Congress // Round-Up to the SLC Forum "Change Management in Sports Clubs"
On 09 November 2022, the fifth edition of the Sportplatzwelt Online Congress by Stadionwelt took place. With the Sportplatzwelt Online-Kongress, the established trade medium Stadionwelt offers the industry a new platform for knowledge transfer and exchange in the field of amateur and popular sports and for municipal sports administrations. This year, SLC Management was again represented as a partner with a practice-oriented forum on the topic of "From crisis management to sustainable change management - the only constant is change".