Informazioni attuali sull'azienda nella panoramica.
In questa panoramica vi teniamo aggiornati sui nostri progetti attuali, le attività e altro ancora.
Future requirements for infrastructure in stadiums and arenas
Corona as trigger for developments in infrastructure and digitization
What requirements will the infrastructure have to meet in the future in order to be considered "safe" for viewers?
The requirements that need to be met arise from two perspectives: The first perspective concerns the laws and regulations that provide a mandatory framework.
The second perspective concerns the needs and expectations of the visitor or fan. If the first perspective is fulfilled, the audience is ultimately the decision maker whether one feels - in whatever respect - safe and expectations are fulfilled.
Article "Corona als Auslöser für Entwicklungen in Infrastruktur und Digitalisierung" erschienen in Football Business Inside #19:
For more information please contact
Jens Jaschinski
Director Consultancy
Fon: +49 (0) 911 - 54 81 830