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Marketing - especially important in the crisis
The current crisis holds great risks for many companies. In this respect, many companies are making cuts and pursuing a cost-cutting strategy. The question arises, however, whether the red pencil should also be applied to marketing, especially in view of the fact that attractiveness and marketing measures can save the survival and future of a company.
In a crisis, there are always two approaches to restructuring. On the one hand, there is the question of how to reduce costs, and on the other hand the question of the extent to which sales potential can still be realized in the short and medium term. The second question is the decisive one in the context of a reorganization. What good are cost reductions if the market is no longer there or cannot be reached in the medium term? Therefore, the first test is the sales and market potential and to what extent this can be achieved with targeted measures. Especially against the background of a possible change in the competitive situation and the knowledge that some participants will leave the market. There is an old formula for reorganizers:
"The advertising of today is the turnover of tomorrow and the turnover of tomorrow is the jobs of the day after tomorrow!"
Also these regard the relationship between sponsor giver (enterprise) and sponsor taker (association) rather as long-term partnership, which means a mutual support. In the current situation accordingly over 90 per cent of the over 5.000 inquiries expect a support of the associations in this difficult time by your partners/sponsors.
But it shouldn't just be about advertising, but about the most effective and efficient means of communication, sponsoring. In all its variations, sponsoring offers the best cost-benefit ratio and can be done in different price dimensions. Especially if you take into account that you actually reach the intended target group with a very high contact quality via the sponsor. Especially in times of crisis, it is important for companies to stay "on the ball" in order not to lose customer contact. It is therefore very important for decision-makers to have appropriate data-based decision bases available, which serve the development and implementation of sponsoring and communication concepts, which are adapted to the situation, the individual company goals and the current customer needs and also help them to find the right argumentation towards their employees. The basis for decision-making through data-based consulting and a subsequent impact measurement of measures taken are the success package of SLC Management for goal-oriented corporate positioning and communication - during and after the crisis. This according to the already mentioned motto:
"The advertising of today is the turnover of tomorrow and the turnover of tomorrow is the jobs of the day after tomorrow!"
About SLC Management
Publication of the article "Marketing - especially important in the crisis" among others in the ESB Newsroom:
For more information please contact
Prof. Dr. Alfons Madeja
Managing Director
Fon: +49 (0) 911 - 54 81 830