After an interruption of about eight weeks due to the Corona crisis, the Bundesliga will resume play on Saturday. But what do the fans think about the re-start? What do the fans think of the date set? How do the fans view the equal opportunities between the clubs? We asked the opinions of the fans in Germany's only representative Bundesliga panel with registered participants from a total of 5,230 fans and customers of the clubs about these and other questions concerning the re-start and received exciting results.
Despite the long break, not all fans are in favor of the scheduled re-start. For example, only 61.1 percent of those surveyed are in favour of the re-start on Saturday, while 38.9 percent voted in favour of a postponement in favour of minimising the risk. The situation is similar for the planned date at the end of June for the season finale, 59.8 percent of the fans think the planned date is good, 40.2 percent prefer a postponement to a later date. On the other hand, the fans agree on the order of re-starts. The majority (87.2% percent) are in favor of the league starting in the original order after the interruption, i.e. from the 26th matchday.

The fans also disagree about equal opportunities for the teams. For example, 63.2 percent of the fans believe that there is equality of opportunity between the clubs in terms of preparing for the resumption, while 36.8 percent feel that the prevailing conditions are unfair. The background here is the different conditions in the respective federal states for returning to team training. In general, the fans consider their team to be well prepared for the re-start (84.8 percent).

SLC Management provides detailed and, above all, representative results within the scope of opinion research at current events or, if required, on the customer side within the shortest time via Germany's only representative sports panel. We provide you with answers to all acute topics, questions and concerns regarding the markets of sports, leisure and culture, which are collected from your individual target group using our unique online panel. Our experts prepare all results in a transparent and comprehensible way for you, so that you can derive clear, targeted recommendations for action. Especially in times like these, it is essential to be precisely informed about the behavior and perceptions of your target group in order to know the special needs of your target group and to meet them even in times of crisis.
For further details and information, please feel free to contact us at any time. #wearethereforyou
Here you find the article "Bundesliga-Fans äußern sich zu Re-Start"
For more information please contact
Jens Jaschinski
Director Consultancy
Fon: +49 (0) 911 - 54 81 830
Tags: Bundesliga, Club, Data Intelligence, DFL, Fact-based Monitoring, fan needs, professional sport, research, Sportsbusiness, Stadionwelt