Last Sunday, May 3rd, SLC Management in the person of Managing Director Prof. Dr. Alfons Madeja was a guest at Germany's most famous soccer talk show, the Check24 Doppelpass on Sport1. Among other things, the current situation in the Bundesliga and a possible re-start were discussed.
As a professor of business administration and sports management, former manager of a Bundesliga club and due to his many years of experience in the field of insolvency consulting, Professor Madeja was called in as an expert by presenter Thomas Helmer on the following topics:
...on the significance of a possible re-start of the Bundesliga:
"The Bundesliga is a major social and economic factor. The Bundesliga and sport is the largest cross-sectional industry, starting with 56,000 direct jobs at the clubs, followed by around 400,000 indirect jobs in the club environment and ending with the 3 million jobs in sport. Therefore, the start of the Bundesliga should be seen as a social opportunity to take on a pilot role for all other sectors. Here, health concepts can be tested in practice and transferred accordingly to other sectors. At the same time, studies are already being carried out within the framework of the Bundesliga, from which other sectors of society will also benefit".
...on the current situation of the clubs:
"The current statements in this context must be treated very carefully. The holistic withdrawal of the business basis hits associations equally unprepared, like other enterprises. Before the Corona crisis, the Bundesliga was one of the most successful and attractive leagues worldwide, with the highest equity ratio and at the same time the lowest liabilities. This again speaks for the business activities of the last years. Nevertheless, the discussions about values and morals within the Bundesliga are absolutely correct. Here, the crisis offers the opportunity to create new framework conditions for the future".
As the leading specialist for market and opinion research based consulting in the Bundesliga, SLC Management has already conducted representative surveys among fans of the Bundesliga and 2nd Bundesliga on various topics related to the crisis at the beginning of the corona crisis, thus supporting the responsible persons of the league, associations and clubs in their decisions.
Thus the opinions of the fans coincide with the statements of Professor Madeja. A majority of the fans (74.9 percent) see a resumption of play in the Bundesliga as a positive sign for society as a whole. The Bundesliga can therefore play a pilot role for future developments in sports, leisure and culture.

The Bundesliga and the clubs are not only employers themselves, but also create turnover and jobs in many other companies in the region. They also have a major influence on the image and awareness of a city, a region or the entire country. According to the majority of fans (80.1 percent), this special significance should be taken into account in the discussion.

IIn total, more than 5,000 soccer fans from the Bundesliga and 2nd Bundesliga were interviewed in the survey.
For the acquisition of the representative data within the scope of market and opinion research, as well as for the "fact-based consulting" within the scope of the cooperation with clubs, associations, investors and sponsors in German soccer, SLC Management uses the unique representative sports panels with registered participants of the German professional leagues and clubs, which were developed and set up in-house.
Here is the link to the Check24-Doppelpass Show: https://www.sport1.de/tv-video/video/der-check24-doppelpass-mit-willi-lemke-und-klaus-filbry__ED20A83F-7580-4EC6-8B91-003AED84E150/playlisten/doppelpass-sendung
For more information please contact
Jens Jaschinski
Director Consultancy
E-Mail: jaschinski@slc-ag.com
Fon: +49 (0) 911 - 54 81 830
Tags: Bundesliga, Data Intelligence, data management, DFL, Doppelpass, Fact-based Monitoring, Madeja, Sport1, Sportbusiness, TV